Sunday, December 22, 2013

“Women in the World of Media” a Documentary

In November I wrote a post  about a little documentary film I was working on, that I would be entering into the Girls Impact the World Film Fest scholarship competition, and now (drum roll please)… I'M PROUD TO ANNOUNCE the premiere of  my short documentary “Women in the World of Media”!!!

Not only do I hope to win this competition but I also hope that this video has an impact, no matter how modest, in bringing about a change. That is where YOU come in! I NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Every share makes another aware! So WATCH IT, LIKE, COMMENT and most importantly…SHARE to vote for my video! It’s up to us to be the change!!!

Watch the video below and/or GO TO THIS LINK to watch and VOTE by sharing and tweeting!

Film Synopsis: The Media influences the way our society views women and how women view themselves. Before starting on this documentary I hadn't been aware of  just how great this  influence was and  I realized that most women are unaware as well. In this documentary I uncover the truth about the portrayal of women in the media,  ask real women how they are affected by this portrayal and, most importantly, reveal how our society can take steps to better represent women as leaders, cultivators, and innovators.  It's up to us  women  to take back control, come forward, and bring about change so that we are being heard and represented honestly. I had a blast making this film! Special thanks to all of those  who participated or contributed something in making it, couldn't have done it without you!!! We are going to make a difference, if you have ant questions or want to know what more you can do to help, leave a comment. xoxo -Summer

Click here to view my previous post on Girls Impact the World.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tugged, Drowned, and Resurrected by Banks


Sometime you hear a song and you just know that it’s going to be a hit. Something about it tugs you into the depths of the sea, drowns you in its melodies, and then resurrects you in a nebulous but pleasant state of mind. Do you know that feeling?
Well, when I first heard the artist Banks single “Warm Water” that’s what happened. I was like “who is this person, where did she come from, is she an alien?”
Banks is relatively new to the scene, she first released her music early this year, her first EP  titled “London” was released in September. Make no mistake she’s an upcoming artist that’s blowing up - but quietly. Watch carefully because one day you’ll just see her name *appear* on the charts.
She’s been compared to Lana Del Rey, but along with being an alternative artist her music has a very clear but ambient sound, with touches of electronic and soul  creating a sound that is new, fresh, and addicting.
Check out her 2013 EP "London”, make sure to listen to the track that's getting all the hype called "Warm Water", and don't forget get her first single “Fall Over” which I love.

BE TUGGED, DROWNED, AND RESURRECTED BY BANKS! - Remember her. Got it? Good. You will thank me. ;)
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