Friday, August 9, 2013

Falling From the Nest

I walked out of my front door and “woomp” something falls out of a tree if front of me. “Oh my god…!!!!! Help someone help me…find a box, find a box…Mommmm!!! Is it dead, oh god I hope it’s not dead.”

This is how I freak out when birds fall out of a trees. “The thing looks deaf, dumb, and blind.” There's a  baby bird lying there, and I'm thinking, what the hell am I suppose to do?… “Mommmm!!!”. I find a box, some newspaper, waster, seeds, and gloves. At this point I feel better, I’m thinking “It’s cute…I’m going to save a bird today!…Daphne…I’ll call the little bird Daphne.”

Daphne is a female fledgling , a baby bird just beginning world exploration. Well , she didn’t get very far. And to think, she would have never made it if a guardian angle didn’t swoop in from above and save her (that would be me *wink wink*).   I was able to find out that that Daphne is ok (thank the lord for the internet!), she was just a brave little soul that wanted to take a risk and leave the nest early. I can just imagine little bird Daphne going around and asking “Are you my mother?” haha :)

So now what.
Well, Daphne is in my room chirping, pooping a lot, but doing well. I will probably release her or climb a ladder and find her nest, but I’m making sure she is nursed and fully recovered from that dramatic experience!

The way this bird fell out of it’s nest, right there in front of me, the moment I opened the door;  I can’t help wonder if there is a message  I’m suppose to read into. You see Daphne and I have a lot in common, we are both at a point where we have to admit that soon it will be time to become more independent, experience life by living it,  leave the nest if you will. Daphne took the leap…and ended up falling…WHAT THE SACK IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!?!?!

Here is Daphne!


1 comment:

  1. She is precious.... I think there is a meaning here... as, there always is... that is if we are willing to acknowledge that nothing happens by chance. Daphne, falling from the tree, the very moment you walk outside the door!.. You , Daphne? A human fledgling, about to set out into the world? Hey, watch out... it can get bumpy!!!!! No matter what.. do not be afraid, just as you arrived at the perfect time, seeing her crash to the ground, so will the Divine forces, catch you as you flail about, trying out your wings.. To me the message is very clear: Do not be afraid... I am always with you.. Go girl and try those wings out... that's what you are here to do... try them out!!!!!


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